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The List of Things That Will Not Change

Bibliographic Citation

Stead, R. (2020). The list of things that will not change. NY: Wendy Lamb Books.

About the Book

The List of Things that Will Not Change is a story about Bea, the main character and narrator of the book. It begins Bea telling us that she first learned her parents were getting a divorce and that her dad was gay at the age of 8. During that life changing family meeting she was given a spiral notebook and a green pen (her favorite color). That notebook contained a list written by her mom and dad called “The Things That Will Not Change”. It was meant for her to find comfort in her family’s current situation and soon to come changes. As the book progresses, Bea continues to add to her list. Soon into the book we also meet Jesse, her father’s partner and learn that he and he father will marry. Readers of all ages will enjoy this heartfelt story. Bea is a wonderful charming character that readers get to know and love. Stead writes beautifully about how this family tries their best to prevent the divorce from affecting their children negatively.

The book represents themes such as family, acceptance, love, and change. Stead addresses a world wide audience about sensitive topics like divorce and homosexuality in an honest and respectful way. It is refreshing to read about such topics in a positive light other than the negativity that is usually associated with them. IN addition, Stead manages to write in a way that readers can see themselves in the characters found in the story.


Books with similar themes:

  • Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire Saenz

  • Hatchet by Gary Paulsen

Other books by author:

  • When You Reach Me

  • Liar & Spy

Teaching ideas:

  • Engage students in a “book talk” about how focusing on things that don’t change can help us overcome unexpected challenges.

The requirement the books meets:

  • Required book list

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