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Screencasting involves sharing the screen on your computer or tablet to create a video. It is something I recently started using about 2 years ago. As a teacher I have found it very helpful to use this resource as a way to provide support to students and parents. I also think it is an excellent way to transform teaching and learning. Just think, a student can play and pause any content you wish to teach! Additionally, screencasting can also be used to create short tutorials of things such as how to navigate a website. Other ways I have used screencasts in the classroom include having students record presentations, responses to content, and books. This is an excellent way to give students an opportunity to turn in a presentation they are satisfied with. I recently learned the idea of having the students record themselves reading a short passage to practice and monitor the growth in fluency.

The possibilities are endless! Which are the best tools to use, you ask? Personally I have used Screencastify, Flipgrid, Google Meet, and just recently, Screencast-O-Matic.


Screencastify is easy and simple to use. You can use this by adding it as an extension on google chrome for easy access. I like that this tool allows you to change the resolution, create GIFS, edit the length of the videos you record, and videos are saved to your drive. You can share a tab or your entire desktop. You can also choose to record with your camera on or off. The free version of Screencastify only allows for 5 minutes of recording anything more or additional editing tools would require for you to upgrade. I have used this tool to record quick tutorials for parents at home as


Flipgrid is great for recording videos and screencasting. I like that under this account, you can create groups and organize by topic. I have used this to create assignments in which my students respond to content, books, share introductions, and do screencasts of presentations.

When using the screencast tool, you can choose to present your entire screen, an application window, or a tab. You can even record up to 10 minutes.

Google Meet

Google Meet is also great for screencasting. To do so, you would start an instant meeting. Once in, you would click on the “Present” icon and choose to share your entire screen, a window, or a tab. Once you have selected the best presentation tool to fit your needs, you need to open the more options tool (3 dots menu) to start recording. So far my recordings have not surpassed more than 10-15 minutes, but I believe you can record for longer periods of time. I have many positive things to say however, one con is that the recording feature is usually only available for G-Suite Enterprise members. So far I have been fortunate to use it through my district account. I have used this tool to walk parents through websites their children can use at home and record oral accommodations for students.


To use Screencast-O-Matic you have to create an account and download the recording program. You can capture and share ideas by taking a screenshot, make a recording, or upload a video. You can organize your videos by creating folders and showcase your videos publicly. You can choose to record your screen, webcam, or both. You also are given the option to record certain parts of your screen or full screen. Once the recording is done, you will have different options to save, edit and share! Screencast-O-Matic allows you to record up to 15 minutes or upgrade for unlimited times.

My Selection

For this assignment, I experimented with all the tools to compare them and I think they are all great. I decided to use Screencast-O-Matic to record my screen. I chose to use this tool because it was new to me and I have heard great things about it. Check out the video below to see it in action!

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3 comentários

Brittney Brittain
Brittney Brittain
04 de dez. de 2021

I have heard of using Google Meet and Zoom for screen casting. I almost tried these for this assignment. I never have even thought about using Flipgrid as a screen recording tool. Thank you for sharing this idea!


Nora Sifuentes
Nora Sifuentes
03 de dez. de 2021

Hello Deyanira,

I am excited to see that I am not the only one who has used Google Meet and Zoom for screencasting. For my recording, I decided to use Screencastify which is a resource that I feel very comfortable with. Thank you for sharing your findings and experiences.


Sara Feske
Sara Feske
03 de dez. de 2021

I'm glad you talked about Flipgrid. It is a great way to allow students to screen record. I like the way to can assign groups and time limits so that students are successful.

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