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Many Thousand Gone: African Americans from Slavery to Freedom

Bibliographic Citation

Hamilton, V., Dillon, D., & Dillon, L. (1993). Many Thousand Gone. Alfred A. Knopf.

About the Book

Many Thousand Gone, is a book that tells the journey of black slaves in the underground railroad and the people that helped them along the way to gain their freedom.

The book teaches themes about resilience, hope, and courage . The book appeals to a wide audience and does not condescend the reader. The black and white illustrations work wonderfully with the text to recount the story of these brave men and women.


Books with similar themes:

  • The Underground Railroad by P.M. Boekhoff

Other books by author:

  • Sweet Whispers, Brother Rush

  • The People Could Fly : American Black Folktales

Requirement the book meets:

  • Author List

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