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Updated: Jun 30, 2021

Bibliographic Citation

Giovanni, N., & Collier, B. (2005). Rosa (First ed.). Henry Holt.

About the Book

Rosa is an account of the events that led up to the arrest of Rosa Parks, an important historical figure in the civil rights movement, after her refusal to give up her seat on the bus. We see into Rosa's thoughts and her reasons for standing up for what was right. Rosa along with the support of Dr. Robinson, Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. and the community, started the Montgomery Bus Boycott to remind the nation we are all equal.

Striking watercolor and collage-like cut paper images retell Rosa’s courageous actions and the nonviolent movement that brought a community together to speak out for what’s right. The breathtaking illustrations captivate the readers by portraying the emotions and actions of everyone involved in this historical event. This book teaches about perseverance, equality,


Books with similar themes:

  • Claudette Colvin : Twice Toward Justice by Phillip M. Hoose

  • Rosa Parks : Don't Give In! by Cathy East Dubowski

Other books by author:

  • On My Journey Now : Looking at African-American History Through the Spirituals

  • I Am Loved

Teaching ideas:

  • Rosa would be a great resource to use during Black History Month.

  • I recommend using this book to teach about cause and effect.

Requirement the Book Meets

  • Required book list

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